Basilica Parrocchiale Santa Maria del Popolo

Business Hour

Monday: 7:15 AM – 12:30 PM
4:00 – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:15 AM – 12:30 PM
4:00 – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:15 AM – 12:30 PM
4:00 – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 7:15 AM – 12:30 PM
4:00 – 7:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday: 7:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

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User Comments

Cristina Antonelli 2017-01-20

Io gioco in casa è la mia parrocchia. Siete tutti invitati la domenica alle 10 e alle 12 la messa è celebrata dal nostro parroco, Padre Ivan vi incanterà con la sua stupenda voce! Le foto non mi risultano sbagliate essendo una visualizzazione a 360 gradi fa vedere tutta la piazza. Le foto delle chese gemelle sono state pubblicate per sbaglio dal signor masetti. Per quanto riguarda il commento di Carmen faccio notare che i parroci hanno da seguire indicazioni date dal cardinale vicario della diocesi che preferirebbe che i matrimoni che si volgono nella basilica siano di persone che la frequentano abitualmente.
NoteAndroid 2016-10-27

Most of you have already known everything about the 2 Caravaggio paintings in this church. Unless you're an art major or did extensive Google or YouTube, these 2 paintings are not worthy of your 15 or less minutes. You guys know Caravaggio is a freak right~? Ok, he was a great talented freak just like Michelangelo. Yeah, I saw plenty folks walked in and out less then 3 minutes. Here is a little known fact from yesterday afternoon visit 26-10-2016. There is a church "line man" controls the crowds going up to see Caravaggio paintings. His side job is to shush those speaks too loud in the church. But then, he became too loud himself at times. Once he let you in, you've got 15 minutes and he will not let you get back in again. He also will tells you NO FLASH~! Which I absolutely agree. Now for those Caravaggio freaks out there, these 2 paintings are very worthy of your ONE EU$1 to turn the light on so you (and others) can see these paintings. Yes, there is a coin box on the Right hand side of the Chapel, you need to deposit EU$1 for about 5 minutes worth. My suggestions are: prime your camera (no flash again~! or get a decent low light camera), preplan your positions in your head (get different views) out side of the chapel. Once you get in, you've already know what position to take your pictures and don't forget to selfie yourself to death, there is no shame in it. After you've paid lots money to get to Rome, do your selfies~! My money saving tip is to team up with other tourists, I paid EU50cents and he did the other half, now we both get to take all the pictures and other whom did not pay also get to have some good time. Be nice, don't fight to get to the selfie positions, you're inside of a "chuuurch"~!
Francisca Castro 2016-04-11

Michael Gowman 2015-09-04
