Embark on an extraordinary aquatic escapade with our "Aqua Adventure Experience"! Delve into the thrill of the ocean with two captivating options. Option 1, the "Seaside Serenity Horseback Ride," invites you on a 30-35 minute journey along the breathtaking coastline, where you'll gallop alongside the waves and dive into the refreshing waters for a revitalizing swim. Capture every magical moment with 7 professionally edited photos and one stunning video (at additional cost)Option 2, the "Drone Delight Clear Water Kayak Tour," offers a 15-20 minute glide across crystal-clear waters in a transparent kayak, with our drone capturing mesmerizing aerial views of the underwater world beneath you. Receive 20 raw photos and 5 expertly edited shots, along with an unedited video of your aquatic adventure (included) . Both options include convenient transportation and delivery of your personalized content within 72 hours. Choose your aquatic adventure and let the excitement unfold!