Get ready to be surprised by some of today’s best architecture!
See Barcelona through the eyes of Enric Miralles.
With the aim of truly enjoying Enric Miralles’s work, we propose a journey of initiation that will attempt to be loyal to the architect’s words: “The architecture that interests me is capable of avoiding demagoguery and cannot hide the complex reality it comes from.”
This architecture tour walks through history, politics, the cultural imagination and the architecture of Barcelona’s Gothic and La Ribera Quarters.
We begin the journey in Roman Barcelona, then travel to the Carolingian era, the post-Franco era, Olympic Barcelona and, finally, the era that created el forat de la vergonya (the hole of shame). The walk ends in the market, where we will do some fieldwork to check Miralles’ methods, along with some of the processes that formed part of his modus operandi.