The most famous hits of Frank Sinatra were performed by great soloists, opera singer Daniel Klánský and opera diva Karolína Cingrošová accompanied by a concert musicians. Do not miss the opportunity to visit Art Restaurant Mánes and enjoy the elegance and timelessness of Sinatra´s music!
You can enjoy a signature three-course dinner before the concert. The menu is prepared by the chef of the Art Restaurant Mánes, Jaroslav Zahálka, and is inspired by the Prague cuisine of the 1930s. Jaroslav Zahalka is a former member of CLUB DES CHEFS DES CHEFS (the club of chefs, who cook for top officials and formal banquets).
Visit a historic place filled with art and music. The building itself is constructed in the functionalist architectural style, and its complex also houses the renowned Manes Gallery and a restaurant. The hall offers stunning views of the Vltava River, Petrin Hill, Prague Castle, and the neo-Renaissance Žofín Palace, situated on the charming Slovanský Island, just like Mánes. The ceiling of the hall is adorned with cubist frescoes by the acclaimed Czech Cubist painter Emil Filla.