Encompass your love journey while in Bali. This experience is made to strengthen your relationship with spiritual bond and understanding your relationship path with your partner. A spiritual blessing is a great addition to the celebration of good fortune and love for a lifetime with your partner. This experience for couples who are in love or romantic relationship. This experience not only purifies and unifies you but also gives you a chance to experience one of Balinese culture and ceremony.
couple blessing would be homa jayna or bebayuh ceremony
1. Homa Yajna is a Balinese sacred healing fire ceremony originating from the ancient Vedic texts. This fire healing ritual is known to be effective in helping one let go of unwanted aspects in their lives and similarly, bring in and manifest new intentions and new life.
2. Bebayuh offering, is derived from the Balinese word “Bayuh“ which means cleanse and purify negative energies.
3. After homa jayna/ bebayuh a karmic reading session by Balinese Shaman to read your relationship path and give you some advices.
4. Then we will do animal release, as our compassionate act to all sentient beings and bring good karma and fortune.